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Category: images
Brighton rickshaw for sale
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Marc Tarpenning co-founder Tesla
Didn’t realise lots of Tesla cars parts are sourced in UK wonder if it’s another de lorean government venture.
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Mark Mitchell, Blake Krikorian, Ash Jhaveri
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Biz stone at #svc2c – cool shoes
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Cool looking house
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His and Hers wheelbarrows
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The all new super slim Sally :-)
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Sally and her Rosemary Roasted Vegetable Lasagne
From her Slimming World healthy eating 14 sins for the whole dish which serves 4 🙂
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Scarpa boot test rig
Received my new boots today. To test how waterproof they are I’ve submerged them to 120mm in water. I first weighed the insoles at 27gm. Will reweigh them later…..
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Twitter: geoffjones
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